Glean The Gold From 2020

Glean the Gold from 2020

Can you believe it’s the end of 2020?  This year has been a difficult one for so many and I know that all of us are looking forward to a new and brighter year ahead.  But as we look back on all of the ways we feel 2020 has tested us or set us back, I encourage you to put your attention on the “wins” you did experience and glean the gold.

All too often we focus on the things that didn’t go well or that were frustrating. It’s crucial that we change this pattern or habit. By putting our attention on the wins, we can create a new habit that will imprint the feeling of success within us.  The place we put our attention expands. If it’s negative, the negative will dominate.  If it’s positive, the positive will dominate.

Make a list.

Start by writing a list of all of your achievements and wins.A win could be that you took a big bold step, regardless of the outcome.  Recognize the win in taking that awesome step.  Being present for someone when they needed a friend is also a win.  The size of your win doesn’t matter.  As we follow the practice of celebrating our achievements daily, we are putting our attention on our success.  Taking a moment to say “at-a-boy” and acknowledge our wins, creates within us the feeling of being successful.

Explore ways to improve.

Next, review an outcome you wish had turned out differently and look at it through the lens of curiosity.  Do not “beat yourself up” about what happened.  Instead, from a state of curiosity, look at how you could have performed differently with a better result.  Glean the gold.

Vision it up.

Finally, reread your win list; from this inspired state, write down your vision or goals for 2021.  Many people don’t take the time to imagine what their dream life would look like.  When we don’t have a specific goal or vision in place, we aren't able to make a plan to get there.  Even more, how can we celebrate our successes or even know when our dreams have been achieved?

Create Success.

If you’d like support in writing a vision for 2021 (and beyond) or you want to learn why you haven’t been succeeding and what to do about it, join me for a FREE workshop on Saturday, January 23 via Zoom.  I will be sharing the Three Essential Keys to Creating Success in 2021.

While it’s great to achieve our vision, its really about growing. The real gift is who we become in the process. If we don’t need to stretch to be able to hit our goals, they’re not big enough. Dare to DREAM BIG and boldly.

Here’s to your dream,


PS - Let’s put 2020 in the rearview mirror and make 2021 your best year ever!  I can show you how.  Join me for a FREE workshop: Three Essential Keys to Creating Success in 2021.  Click here for more information.

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