Posts Tagged ‘Live Your Dream Life’
Decision vs Hesitancy
Decision vs Hesitancy This is a true story about a man named William H. Murray who was captured and spent time in a prison camp during World War II. He…
Read MoreYour Life Is Like A Garden
Life is like a garden. It may be well taken care of and look beautiful; its flowers may be in full bloom and everything in it may be flourishing. But,…
Read MoreWant More Abundance In Your Life?
There is a passage in the Bible that says whoever has more will be given more; and those who do not have, even what they have, will be taken away.…
Read More3 Simple Words To Change Your Life
The results we see in our lives are always a reflection of our internal state of being. Our circumstances, how much money we have, our fitness levels—all of these—perfectly mirror…
Read MoreDon’t Have Any Regrets!
Bronnie Ware was an Australian nurse. She spent years working in palliative care looking after patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives. What Bronnie discovered is that people…
Read MorePriming – What It Is and Why We Should Do It
We all have old patterns; well-worn paths of how we think and how we do things. In fact, it’s these old patterns that have created the life we are currently…
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